MICA – (Missouri Information for Community Assessment)

Missouri Information for Community Assessment (MICA) is an interactive system that allows the user to create and download tables, based on selected variables from the following data files:

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 1994-2004 (under reconstruction)
Births 1990-2007 11/18/08
Cancer Registry 1996-2006 04/16/09
Deaths 1990-2007 02/01/09
Emergency Room 1994-2006 04/14/08
Fertility Rate MICA 1990-2007 02/02/09
Hospital Discharges, Charges & Days of Care 1994-2007 07/02/09
Injury 1994-2006 04/07/08
Inpatient Hospitalization 1994-2007 07/02/09
Medicaid Records February 2002 through April 2009 05/26/09
Motor Vehicle Crash & Outcomes 1996-1999-2001-2003-2004-2005 Updated 04/30/08
Population 1990-2007 01/29/09
Pregnancies 1990-2006 11/26/08
Preventable Hospitalizations 1994-2007 Updated 07/02/09
Priorities Updated 07/29/08
Procedures 1994-2006 06/10/08
TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 1998 through April 2009 05/26/09
   WIC Prenatal 2000-2007 Updated 12/09/08
   WIC Postpartum 2000-2007 Updated 12/09/08
   WIC Prenatal and Postpartum 2000-2007 Updated 12/09/08
   WIC Infant 2000-2007 Updated 12/09/08
   WIC Child 2000-2007 Updated 12/09/08
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Statistical Analysis
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS–CDC website) 01/26/09

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