Millions of older adults with chronic conditions, especially arthritis, experience community participation restriction due to modifiable environmental characteristics

A new CDC study examined the prevalence of community participation restriction due to perceived environmental barriers among older adults (≥ 50 years) and compared the impact among those with selected chronic conditions.

Among older adults with chronic conditions, the prevalence of community participation restriction ranged from 5% for obesity to 20% for serious psychological distress.  Community participation restriction was 6.4% among older adults with arthritis.  In absolute numbers, the greatest community participation restriction was among those with arthritis (1.9 million). 

Promising targets to reduce community participation restriction among adults 50 years with chronic conditions, particularly arthritis, include building design, sidewalks/curbs, crowd control, and interventions that improve the built environment.  Furthermore, changes to improve the built environment for older adults could benefit community members of all ages.

Read the entire report here:

Theis KA and Furner SE. Shut-In? Impact of Chronic Conditions on Community Participation Restriction among Older Adults. Journal of Aging Research 2011: doi:10.4061/2011/759158.

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