Whether you're at a doctor's office, urgent care, emergency room, dentist's office, eye doctor, or local pharmacy, this question is often one of the first asked: "Do you have health insurance?". If you don't have insurance, now's the time to check out the Marketplace.
This Sunday, February 15, 2015, is the last day to enroll in a health insurance plan for 2015. Having health insurance not only helps take care of you if you get sick or injured, it also provides preventive care to keep you (and others) healthy and carries a financial benefit. Having health insurance in 2015 ensures you won't have to pay the minimum $325 fee per adult without coverage. According to the Missouri Foundation for Health, more than 219,000 Missourians have already signed up for health insurance via the Marketplace. Financial and personal assistance are available when enrolling and multiple plans are available to help you make the right choice for you and/or your family.
Do you have health insurance? If not, take the time this weekend to enroll!