These are for Walk With Ease Group leader trainings:
- AF Training Workshop Roster Form (1 per training)
- AF Leader/Instructor Training and Certification Application (1 form per leader applicant/leader) (DOC format)
This form from the AF is to be used by individuals who would like to be a leader/instructor for Arthritis Foundation programs. It includes a Registration piece and a Statement of Understanding.
It is also the form for all current leader/instructor certification. AF program leaders are encouraged to teach a class series within 6 months of attending a leader training workshop and submitting class paperwork, including the Leader Certification Application, in order to complete the certification process.
- AF Program Information Form/Cover Sheet (Spanish or English) (1 per training) (Fill-in Format in English)
Paperwork Submission: Please submit all forms to your RAC Coordinator at the completion of each training. Paperwork should be submitted in full, completed, and in a timely fashion.
Additionally, all WWE group Trainers should have the following completed:
- Trainer agreement on file with AF
- 60 day notice for all training in order to create registration website (email or phone call to Arthritis Foundation)